Tuesday 19 July 2016

Am i on social media?

Some have ask whether i have social media and yes i do have. So do follow/add me ya:)

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at __rred (two underscore)

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Athiqah Noorzam

Wednesday 13 July 2016

One of those days..

Its one of those days when you're alone and you start reflecting your journey through the past years. And honestly my life hasnt go as what ive planned, but its alright.

And then you start thinking of the ones who left us. Its been 6 years since my uncle left us. We miss him dearly till today. He wasnt my biological uncle, he was my aunt's husband but we were very close since he dated my aunt.

He was a simple man. He dressed simpily and lead a simple life. Therefore he prefers a lady whom doesnt dress up too much or wears make up. And thats my aunt. Both of them are a perfect couple and they had 3 sons together, how lovely. I adore them because it was all about simplicity throughout their marriage together, nothing luxury.

My uncle had high blood pressure before he got to know my aunt but it was nothing serious and doctor assured him to have a healthy diet and take his medications.

But on late December 2010, he got a severe headache and it was unbearable that my aunt had to take him to the hospital. He was warded and CT scan showed that he had blood clot in his brain. They did a surgery immediately. After the surgery, the doctor informed my aunt that his chances of surviving is 50/50. That was the most heartbreaking news for us.

6 days later, he died in the hospital. He never woke up after the surgery and was on life support throughout the days. It was a massive big blow for us. We were confident that he was going to make it. It was a  definitely a difficult time for all of us. Yes i cried for weeks and i often dreamt that he recovered and returned home.

At the time of his death, he left his dear wife and 3 sons behind. His sons were very young aged only 6,4 and 16 months.

Looking back, my aunt was a strong lady inside and out. When asked, her reply was " I have to be strong for my sons and if i just follow my heart, cry and locked myself in the room, life will never go on."

Till now his absence could be felt. My uncle was always the joker, animated, well everything you could think of. We miss him dearly..

Cherish your loved ones. You never want to have any regrets when their time is up.

Thursday 2 June 2016


 Hi everyone so sorry for being MIA for so long. Just got done with my diploma and was really busy, I apologized for that. I really want to talk about this for so long so here goes....

Not too long ago, I met a guy of my dreams. He was 6 years older than I am, a charismatic, mature, understanding and a heart of gold. Perfect, an ideal guy I've always dreamt of.

He comes from a family of four, his mum, younger sister, an elder brother and of course himself. His parents have long separated when he was younger. (too much info? u will know why I did so as I get along with the story) His brother himself is not much of a help in the family. His currently pursuing a diploma course and working for himself only. His younger sister did really well and skipped a year from taking the O Levels and got into Polytechnic. He or should we call him A, since there are too many he and his and you all might get confused. Anyway A has been working to support his family ever since he graduated from ITE. He works really hard to make sure there is always food on the table and that make me fall for him, he never gives up.

When we got together, A strive to work hard for us and our future. He has plans on marrying me, build our own nest, have kids together and grow old together. He was always talking about our future and I knew he was serious in this relationship. Knowing that he has a strong foundation in religion, I do pray a lot but I do not have that strong foundation in religion and therefore I knew he was the one who could guide me and our kids in the future.

But A was constantly affected that the fact that I have a diploma and he doesn't. And he constantly compared himself to other guys better than him. He has fears of losing me and always told me I meant a lot to him. It broke my heart when he said that. I told him countless time that all of that does not matter to me and that his pure heart that matter the most to me. I believe that if both of us were to work hard together for our future, everything will turn out smoothly. He has plans pursuing a diploma and a degree its just that time and money do not allow him to do so.

Unfortunately, my mum didn't approve our relationship. She believes in a full family background and she insisted that those with full family background are brought up well with lots of love and care which in turn would benefit me and my kids in the future. I do get what she meant but he grew up to become a firm, mature, independent young man which goes to show that he was brought up well, single handedly by his mum. There are reasons why his mum separated from his dad, maybe she knew its the best for her and her kids. Another factor my mum was particular are qualifications. Yes, I know, without it, how are we gonna survive as a family, eat grass? I do get it but sometimes we have to understand some people want to continue pursuing their studies but they don't have the opportunity to do so.

I know many girls out there whom parents gave their disapproval on your relationships. But do remember that they know whats best for us. Although they might not be right always, its best to just listen to them. I believe that whatever happens is all up to God, every word uttered by our parents are all planned out by God. Maybe now is not the time yet for you girls to be together with your partner and if both of you are destined to be together, you will meet each other again in the near future. No matter how much your parents want to separate you both if God has plans to unite you both together, both of you will end up together one day. Don't be disheartened girls! Even if God hasn't any plans on uniting you both together, He has better plans for you. Whenever you feel down or in doubt, ask God for guidance. I'm sure everything will turn out fine❤

Wednesday 28 October 2015


.Hey guys its been a week since I've tried these Xndo products and I must admit it works!!! That's the reason why I would recommend these. As being told by the sales consultant, I would be able to lose 1kg per week!:) And guess what? When I returned to the Xndo outlet last Saturday, the consultant weigh me and I've lost 1.3kg!! My muscle and metabolic rate increases . Yay! Well its just 1.3kg but its an effort because I don't just consume the products but also exercise regularly

This protein shake is to be consumed in the morning. This is to replace the breakfast you always take. This makes you full longer without taking breakfast. My all time fav is the chocolate protein shake!! This actually convert your fats to muscle so of course with that you also need to exercise to toned your body.

Woke up and shower and still with my damp hair, couldn't wait
to drink my fav chocolate protein shake!<3

This is the grape and apple drink. This is to be consumed when you are not eating any of the Xndo meals. The grape drink is to be consumed 5 minutes before a meal. This grape drink is to block carbs. Straight away after a meal, the apple drink must be consumed. This apple drink is to block fats.
Xndo meals are the best because not only they are low in calories but, it contains 6 times more soluble fibre that helps to slow down digestion and prolong the sensation of fullness.
This enzyme drink is to be consumed 30 minutes before bedtime. This drink helps to cleanse and purify the body, support healthy metabolism, promote regular bowel movement and help to eliminate excess waste from the body.
If you would want to try these Xndo products, here are the outlets
-Parkway Parade
-The Centrepoint
-Plaza Singapura
-Vivo City
-Jurong Point
-Causeway Point
Or you can log on to their website at www.xndo.net

Chocolate Squares

Hey guys so I made this yummy chocolate squares! This recipe is super easy and its no bake!! YEA ITS NO BAKE HAHAHAH. Alright so here's the recipe:

250g digestive biscuits
150g dark chocolate
100g unsalted butter
150 golden syrup
100g dried apricots ( this is optional I didn't use any for this recipe)
75g raisins ( this is optional I didn't use any for this recipe)

Preparation method:
1) Use a cling film to line a 20cm (8inch) shallow, square shaped tin. Leave extra cling film hanging from the sides
2) Bash the biscuits into pieces using a rolling pin. ( Put them in a plastic bag so they don't go everywhere)
3) Melt chocolate, butter and golden syrup in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, Stir occasionally.
4) Remove the bowl from the heat and stir in the broken biscuits, apricots, raisins and pecans (optional)
5) Spoon the mixture into the tin. Level the surface by pressing down with a spoon
6) Leave to cool then put the mixture in the fridge for 1-2 hours to set.
7) Take out the chocolate and peel off the cling film. Cut the chocolate into squares and enjoy!!

I use graham crackers instead of digestive biscuits

You can either use a zip lock bag and bash the biscuits with
a rolling pin

Or either a food processor 

Holiday in Bali

This blog post was supposed to be published last year after my holiday in Bali but I was too busy to blog about it. I apologies for posting it late guys really sorry!
Anyways my family and I went on a trip to Bali from 1-6 December 2014 last year. 6 days seems long but I have to tell you guys its pretty short when you're having so much fun!! We arrived there at around 10am and reached the villa at around 11pm. We were supposed to check in at 12 noon but we arrived too early and the rooms were still occupied. The staff were so kind hearted and super friendly and offered us to stay at the showroom temporary till our room is ready.
The Villa we stayed; Seri Villa Seminyak

So after putting our stuffs at the villa, we went for a walk around


The most beautiful thing I love about Bali is the people. They are really very friendly and they welcome us with open arms. Everywhere I went, the people there greeted me with a warm smile. The people there strongly believe in karma, what goes around comes around. They believe if they do evil things now, they will receive the same treatment in their afterlife. I have to say Bali is really safe. You can even walk alone in the middle of the night and nobody will disturb you. You can even park your motor or car for 2 weeks and when you return it will still be there. They are also very pious and there was once when there was a massive jam and we were told by the cab driver that they close the road as they are having a ceremony. This ceremony has to do with their religious purposes. If you've been there you will know they frequently hold ceremonies on different parts of Bali and part of the road are close which lead to massive jam. We were also told by the cab driver that they have Silent Day every new year. On this silent day, the roads, shopping centres, the international airport well everything is close. You can't even see a human being on the road basically nobody is allowed to go out on this day including tourists. Silent day is a day reserved for self-reflection, and as such, anything that might interfere with that purpose is restricted. The main restrictions are no lighting fires (and lights must be kept low); no working; no entertainment or pleasure; no traveling; and, for some, no talking or eating at all

One of the restaurant we went

First time eating duck
A pic of me

Buffet Restaurant overlooking Mount Batur

 Lunch overlooking Mount Batur

Mount Batur

Sunset Dinner

 Yummy desert we ate can't recall its name though


Monday 15 June 2015

Hey Everyone!

Hey Readers

I am Athiqah from a small little island, Singapore:) I'm 17 this year.  I am currently studying Mass Communication.Hmm about myself... not much I have to say about myself. All I know is I extremely love foodddd oh yeahhh. I got so obsess with kpop in 2011. A friend of mine introduce me to the world of kpop and since then I got obsess with it. Back then I love Lee Minho....laaaaaa hehehe, now too but not as much. I love Exo so much now. Its like HEAVEN!! I still love them even though 3 of their members are no longer a part of Exo. I still miss Luhan, Kris and Tao as part of exo but they are doing fine and that's a relief.

Follow me on instagram at __rred
(two underscore)

Follow me on snapchat at rred2