Thursday 2 June 2016


 Hi everyone so sorry for being MIA for so long. Just got done with my diploma and was really busy, I apologized for that. I really want to talk about this for so long so here goes....

Not too long ago, I met a guy of my dreams. He was 6 years older than I am, a charismatic, mature, understanding and a heart of gold. Perfect, an ideal guy I've always dreamt of.

He comes from a family of four, his mum, younger sister, an elder brother and of course himself. His parents have long separated when he was younger. (too much info? u will know why I did so as I get along with the story) His brother himself is not much of a help in the family. His currently pursuing a diploma course and working for himself only. His younger sister did really well and skipped a year from taking the O Levels and got into Polytechnic. He or should we call him A, since there are too many he and his and you all might get confused. Anyway A has been working to support his family ever since he graduated from ITE. He works really hard to make sure there is always food on the table and that make me fall for him, he never gives up.

When we got together, A strive to work hard for us and our future. He has plans on marrying me, build our own nest, have kids together and grow old together. He was always talking about our future and I knew he was serious in this relationship. Knowing that he has a strong foundation in religion, I do pray a lot but I do not have that strong foundation in religion and therefore I knew he was the one who could guide me and our kids in the future.

But A was constantly affected that the fact that I have a diploma and he doesn't. And he constantly compared himself to other guys better than him. He has fears of losing me and always told me I meant a lot to him. It broke my heart when he said that. I told him countless time that all of that does not matter to me and that his pure heart that matter the most to me. I believe that if both of us were to work hard together for our future, everything will turn out smoothly. He has plans pursuing a diploma and a degree its just that time and money do not allow him to do so.

Unfortunately, my mum didn't approve our relationship. She believes in a full family background and she insisted that those with full family background are brought up well with lots of love and care which in turn would benefit me and my kids in the future. I do get what she meant but he grew up to become a firm, mature, independent young man which goes to show that he was brought up well, single handedly by his mum. There are reasons why his mum separated from his dad, maybe she knew its the best for her and her kids. Another factor my mum was particular are qualifications. Yes, I know, without it, how are we gonna survive as a family, eat grass? I do get it but sometimes we have to understand some people want to continue pursuing their studies but they don't have the opportunity to do so.

I know many girls out there whom parents gave their disapproval on your relationships. But do remember that they know whats best for us. Although they might not be right always, its best to just listen to them. I believe that whatever happens is all up to God, every word uttered by our parents are all planned out by God. Maybe now is not the time yet for you girls to be together with your partner and if both of you are destined to be together, you will meet each other again in the near future. No matter how much your parents want to separate you both if God has plans to unite you both together, both of you will end up together one day. Don't be disheartened girls! Even if God hasn't any plans on uniting you both together, He has better plans for you. Whenever you feel down or in doubt, ask God for guidance. I'm sure everything will turn out fine❤

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