Wednesday 28 October 2015

Chocolate Squares

Hey guys so I made this yummy chocolate squares! This recipe is super easy and its no bake!! YEA ITS NO BAKE HAHAHAH. Alright so here's the recipe:

250g digestive biscuits
150g dark chocolate
100g unsalted butter
150 golden syrup
100g dried apricots ( this is optional I didn't use any for this recipe)
75g raisins ( this is optional I didn't use any for this recipe)

Preparation method:
1) Use a cling film to line a 20cm (8inch) shallow, square shaped tin. Leave extra cling film hanging from the sides
2) Bash the biscuits into pieces using a rolling pin. ( Put them in a plastic bag so they don't go everywhere)
3) Melt chocolate, butter and golden syrup in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, Stir occasionally.
4) Remove the bowl from the heat and stir in the broken biscuits, apricots, raisins and pecans (optional)
5) Spoon the mixture into the tin. Level the surface by pressing down with a spoon
6) Leave to cool then put the mixture in the fridge for 1-2 hours to set.
7) Take out the chocolate and peel off the cling film. Cut the chocolate into squares and enjoy!!

I use graham crackers instead of digestive biscuits

You can either use a zip lock bag and bash the biscuits with
a rolling pin

Or either a food processor 

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