Wednesday 28 October 2015

Holiday in Bali

This blog post was supposed to be published last year after my holiday in Bali but I was too busy to blog about it. I apologies for posting it late guys really sorry!
Anyways my family and I went on a trip to Bali from 1-6 December 2014 last year. 6 days seems long but I have to tell you guys its pretty short when you're having so much fun!! We arrived there at around 10am and reached the villa at around 11pm. We were supposed to check in at 12 noon but we arrived too early and the rooms were still occupied. The staff were so kind hearted and super friendly and offered us to stay at the showroom temporary till our room is ready.
The Villa we stayed; Seri Villa Seminyak

So after putting our stuffs at the villa, we went for a walk around


The most beautiful thing I love about Bali is the people. They are really very friendly and they welcome us with open arms. Everywhere I went, the people there greeted me with a warm smile. The people there strongly believe in karma, what goes around comes around. They believe if they do evil things now, they will receive the same treatment in their afterlife. I have to say Bali is really safe. You can even walk alone in the middle of the night and nobody will disturb you. You can even park your motor or car for 2 weeks and when you return it will still be there. They are also very pious and there was once when there was a massive jam and we were told by the cab driver that they close the road as they are having a ceremony. This ceremony has to do with their religious purposes. If you've been there you will know they frequently hold ceremonies on different parts of Bali and part of the road are close which lead to massive jam. We were also told by the cab driver that they have Silent Day every new year. On this silent day, the roads, shopping centres, the international airport well everything is close. You can't even see a human being on the road basically nobody is allowed to go out on this day including tourists. Silent day is a day reserved for self-reflection, and as such, anything that might interfere with that purpose is restricted. The main restrictions are no lighting fires (and lights must be kept low); no working; no entertainment or pleasure; no traveling; and, for some, no talking or eating at all

One of the restaurant we went

First time eating duck
A pic of me

Buffet Restaurant overlooking Mount Batur

 Lunch overlooking Mount Batur

Mount Batur

Sunset Dinner

 Yummy desert we ate can't recall its name though


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