Tuesday 19 July 2016

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Athiqah Noorzam

Wednesday 13 July 2016

One of those days..

Its one of those days when you're alone and you start reflecting your journey through the past years. And honestly my life hasnt go as what ive planned, but its alright.

And then you start thinking of the ones who left us. Its been 6 years since my uncle left us. We miss him dearly till today. He wasnt my biological uncle, he was my aunt's husband but we were very close since he dated my aunt.

He was a simple man. He dressed simpily and lead a simple life. Therefore he prefers a lady whom doesnt dress up too much or wears make up. And thats my aunt. Both of them are a perfect couple and they had 3 sons together, how lovely. I adore them because it was all about simplicity throughout their marriage together, nothing luxury.

My uncle had high blood pressure before he got to know my aunt but it was nothing serious and doctor assured him to have a healthy diet and take his medications.

But on late December 2010, he got a severe headache and it was unbearable that my aunt had to take him to the hospital. He was warded and CT scan showed that he had blood clot in his brain. They did a surgery immediately. After the surgery, the doctor informed my aunt that his chances of surviving is 50/50. That was the most heartbreaking news for us.

6 days later, he died in the hospital. He never woke up after the surgery and was on life support throughout the days. It was a massive big blow for us. We were confident that he was going to make it. It was a  definitely a difficult time for all of us. Yes i cried for weeks and i often dreamt that he recovered and returned home.

At the time of his death, he left his dear wife and 3 sons behind. His sons were very young aged only 6,4 and 16 months.

Looking back, my aunt was a strong lady inside and out. When asked, her reply was " I have to be strong for my sons and if i just follow my heart, cry and locked myself in the room, life will never go on."

Till now his absence could be felt. My uncle was always the joker, animated, well everything you could think of. We miss him dearly..

Cherish your loved ones. You never want to have any regrets when their time is up.